Artwork Prints by Bill Campbell

Text by Scott Davis:

Head’s up art fans…Bill Campbell’s UNPRODUCED model designs are now available as prints!

How can you go wrong with names like Space-Outs, Astro-Nuts, HelBent Fore Leather, Wally the Weird, Spiker the Biker, Lenny Leadfoot, Dead Eye Demke….THE DESPICABLES???!!! Awwyeahhh!

I think many of you may enjoy seeing this set of previously unknown artwork of some of the cool model kits that artist Bill Campbell (Weird-Ohs, Frantics, Silly Surfers) designed. None of these ever made it to production. See below for a nice big dose of prints Elizabeth Campbell, Bill’s daughter, has for sale. Some of the original artwork is also available, contact Elizabeth for pricing and availibility.

This kind of stuff is tops in my book but apparently Hawk did not think so back in the 60’s. They turned down several of these lines. You can find wording on some of these pieces that say things like, ”too complex”. Another manufacturer turned down a later line of kits that Bill Campbell proposed in the 90’s called the Fly Boys which he later copyrighted and called “Aer-O-toons”. What were those companies thinking?! Boy would I enjoy seeing some of these babies produced!

Be sure and check out all of the pics. There are quite a few. I was surprised to see just how many different lines of kits he has designed. The model lines include the Weird-Ohs, the Fly Boys (which became the Aer-O-toons), Space-Outs, Astro-Nuts, TrackWhackys and the Despicables. There are even some that made it to the prototype stage and one is reminiscent of the Deal's Wheels plane kits…. Baron Von Blitzhoven. You might also want to check out Bonedigger’s website for in-depth info regarding Bill’s background and some of his creations.

Until recently I was unaware that Bill Campbell did a lot of box art for Hawk other than the Weird-Ohs, Frantics and Silly Surfers. He did artwork for over 250 model kits for Hawk including aircraft, cars, spacecraft and insects. He also did (and still does) a lot of fine art as well as commissioned artwork. He just recently finished a complete series of paintings for a steady client which consists of ALL of the Weird-Ohs. One of my favorite examples of the commissioned pieces is called “Daddy at 50”. Bill actually mattes and frames his finished original pieces himself as well. He is 87 years old, had some health problems a few years back and is still pumping out artwork…..I am impressed! It also means that I still have 50 good years left in me!

I have been talking to Elizabeth Campbell after finding her selling some of her dad’s original artwork at everyone’s favorite auction place. I bought an original off of her a couple of months ago titled “Captain Trane Buster and his Thunderbolt”. She is now selling signed prints and originals from the Billmeister himself. For anyone interested ,you can get a hold of her at . The prints are very reasonable in price considering they are signed and his artwork is simply not accessible like a lot of other artists. You can not  just go online and buy a book of Bill Campbell’s art as no such book exists. Elizabeth was a happy find because I really did not know of ANY outlet for his artwork until now. I am looking forward for my first batch of 6 prints to arrive soon!

All of the information collected here including pics came from Elizabeth Campbell. We thank her for her time and generosity in sharing this previously unknown information and for allowing us to assemble this gallery of collected treasures.


Print M01- Lenny Leadfoot and his Magenta Monster (version 1)

Print M02- Lenny Leadfoot and his Magenta Monster (version 2)

Print A01- Astronuts- Claude's Cranium Cruiser

Print A02- Astronuts- Freddie Fuzznickle, Space Cop

Print A03- Astronuts- Wally the Weird

Print A04- Astronuts- Unnamed

Print F01- Aer-O-toons- Capt. Trane Buster and his Thunderbolt

Print F02- Aer-O-toons- Stumpy and his Pylon Pounder

Print F03- Aer-O-toons- Lt. Deadeye Demke and his P26-A

Print F04- Aer-O-toons- Lt. Bentwing Byrd and his F4U-4 Corsair

Print F05- Aer-O-toons- Col. Helbent Fore Leather and his Mustanger P51D

Print F06- Aer-O-toons- Flight Officer Merlin Griffon and his Spitfire

Print F07- Aer-O-toons- Cadet Stu. Dent and a T-28 Trojan

Print F08- Wendy Wingwalker

Print M03- Davey at Fifty

Print W01-  Weird-Ohs- Teetering Tim

Print W02-  Weird-Ohs- Spiker the Biker